Conflict Avoidance

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“I remembered you’re vegetarian, so I made fish,” my boyfriend’s mother said, beaming as she heaped several chunks of the smelliest kind of dead animal onto my plate. She handed the plate to me …

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Welcome to Hogwarts

Photo by Jules Marvin Eguilos on Unsplash
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John hesitated at the gate. His giddy excitement for this mission had been only somewhat dampened when he’d discovered that he would have to visit Hogwarts …

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The Tomb

Cleopatra stroked the walls of her tomb as she had done a million times. The sensation of the stone against her fingers provided some entertainment, after all. She preferred her human form for these kinds of activities, since her …

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You no Aezerothi

Crastor collided with the ground in a blaze of pain. He saw lights. No, it was just light. It was daytime. Groaning, he rolled onto his back. Above him was a clear blue sky. As the pounding in his …

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Witch Hunt

Father Duinn was tired. Today was one of those days when he felt his age. His joints ached and the cold penetrated him to the bone. The energy of the crowd did little to invigorate him. On the contrary, their …

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Dancing with Doubt

I wouldn’t last long in a monastery. Actually, I lasted about four days.

It was an unconventional Buddhist monastery, and I’d become totally enamored with it before I’d ever set foot there. The head teacher’s talks, which I’d found online, …

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