Writer’s block

When I started writing about my daydreams two and a half years ago, writing the non-fiction was easy, and writing the fiction was hard. Gradually, the situation flipped. By now, it has flipped so spectacularly that writing the non-fiction feels …

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Sexist Grandpa

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“He’s just a crazy old man. Just go, smile, tell him Merry Christmas, listen to his Fox News talking points, and then get out of there. You’ll make his day. Maybe his year. He …

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Conflict Avoidance

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“I remembered you’re vegetarian, so I made fish,” my boyfriend’s mother said, beaming as she heaped several chunks of the smelliest kind of dead animal onto my plate. She handed the plate to me …

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Dancing with Doubt

I wouldn’t last long in a monastery. Actually, I lasted about four days.

It was an unconventional Buddhist monastery, and I’d become totally enamored with it before I’d ever set foot there. The head teacher’s talks, which I’d found online, …

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